Saturday, July 30, 2011

Review of Confessions of a Sex Crazed Money Man

Is it possible that one man can learn how to dismantle the military industrial financial media complex? On the back of this book, James R. Paulsen, a once very close associate of Alex S. Gabor, is quoted as saying, "If this book sells a million copies, the military industrial financial media complex, what Gabor has termed the "Octodragon" in online publishes stories about Purging the Phony Pillars of Power Politics, will become functionally obsolete." Rumored to be connected to the worlds first trillionaire, this book illustrates the power of sex, the energy and drive that it takes to become wealthy, and the amount of power a single man can wield using money as his media. It is also written at that this book is being traded by the Infinite Freedom Foundation, with autographed copies now going up for sale at around $25,000 per copy, that Alex S. Gabor, the author of Confessions of a Sex Crazed Money Man is in fact the world's first trillionaire, richer than Warren Buffet, Paul Allen, Bill Gates, and George Soros combined. If I were a collector of books, which I am not, I would be snapping up these books offline as quick as possible and selling them to the Infinite Freedom Foundation for five thousand dollars each, but since I am not a book trader, I will just give those reading this review a little your pennies, Alex S. Gabor is not the Penny King, but he wrote the book on how to be a trillionaire, and what to do with national debts, governments and "50 Ways To Leave Your Landlord".

Tuesday, December 05, 2006




In a developing story that has barely received any national or international media attention, one that has been brewing for close to three years now, is finally coming to the attention of a growing number of Congressional leaders and international investigative journalists.

Narco News investigative journalist, government muckraker and “Borderline Security” author Bill Conroy has published over 41 articles on the growing cover-up involving a dozen dead bodies found just south of the Mexican border.

He has been intimidated by ICE (Homeland Security) agents and other government officials for his vast coverage of this story of corruption that leads to the highest officials in America and may result in further resignations in the Bush administrations’ tattered war torn Presidency.

Recently, the London based Observer published a story written by David Rose that failed to mention the groundwork laid by Conroy, yet Rose acknowledged Conroy in a private email, highlighted by facts that the United States Department of Justice, through the United State’s Attorney’s Office is involved in a massive cover-up of the operations that paid out hundreds of thousands of dollars to an informant directly involved in the murder of a Mexican attorney, one of the twelve bodies in the House of Death story.

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has been attempting to suppress evidence from public view by invoking national security issues in an attempt to distance itself from the fallout amid growing curiosity of non-mainstream investigative journalists and public citizens.

Recent coverage in a Dallas Morning News story by Alfredo Corchado contradicts the stories put out by Rose and court records show that a paid government confidential informant was involved in more than one murder.

A group calling itself the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition has filed a Freedom of Information lawsuit against the Department of Justice which seeks to expose information implicating government officials behind the death squads involved on both sides of the border in more than 50 murders related to DEA, Homeland Security and Mexican police covert operations.

Conroy, who claims the Attorney General knew about payments of funds to death squad operators in Mexico that resulted in at least a dozen murders, has been asking for a congressional investigation into the matter.

His work has apparently caught the attention of Henry Waxman’s office in Los Angeles, who is soon to take over as head of the Government Reform Committee, and is not too keen on secrecy within the Bush administration.

The committee is gearing up for public hearings after the new majority Democrats take office on a wide range of topics including the War in Iraq, the War on Drugs, government spending and government contracting. Prior efforts to bring this matter before Congressional leaders had failed.

It would appear that any information made public which exposes the federal government and reveals the truth about its secret covert operations that could be construed or in fact are illegal or actual war crimes comes under the heading of “national security”, and tends to be discredited or confused by the governments’ own bought and paid for press.

To date, over the past twenty years, the Federal government has spent over $500 billion on the war on drugs and the amount of money laundered from drug sales within the borders of the US and globally through an international network of bankers who take deposits from drug money launderers worldwide exceeds $1 trillion annually.

95% of the people listed on the DEA’s most wanted fugitive list in Los Angeles are Latin American.

The questions that most international journalists should be asking is, did George Bush know that the US Department of Justice was paying confidential informants to be involved in racially motivated covert death squad operations and if so why were they allowed to continue, and if not, why not?

Isn’t he after all, the Commander in Chief of the War on Drugs as well as the War on Terrorism and the War on Iraq?

Copyright © 2006 by Alex S. Gabor. All Rights Reserved.


Friday, September 29, 2006





By: Alex S. Gabor

It was almost 50 years ago when as a child I was about to be swept up in the first Hungarian Revolt by Freedom Fighters against the communist clutches of totalitarianism.

As the story was later told to me by my deceased parents, they warmly bundled and packed me tightly into a picnic basket, laced crushed sleeping pills into my milk bottle so I would not give them away by crying, and carried my tiny body 300 miles from Budapest to Vienna on foot in the cold November winter of 1956. I was only six months old and don’t remember a word of it.

Fifty years later, half a world away, after having legally lived in America since 1967 as a duel naturalized citizen of Canada and a Hungarian National immigrant in this country, I am witness to what happens when a leader dares to tell the truth to his constituents.

As a child growing up I was always dumbfounded and confused when I was forced to tell the truth after some mishap or misdeed only to be severely punished at the hands of my father who took most of his violent direction from my mother. It seemed that punishment was a deterrent to the truth and a disincentive for honesty.

Recently it was revealed that the Prime Minister of Hungary confessed to having lied in order to get reelected, an honest confessional statement, but what politician has not lied to get elected in the first place?

What businessman has not lied to get a loan from a bank or equity from a venture capitalist?

What mother has not lied to protect her from losing her children to the grips of a justice system that is about as predictable as a game of craps?

What homeowner in America has not overstated their income during the past decade in order to profit from the over inflated bubble in the real estate market to buy new cars, toys for their children and live high on the hog while the going was apparently good all on borrowed time and cheap money?

What would happen if all these people who lied to get ahead told the truth and confessed to another or in a broad public statement over the internet became completely honest with the rest of the world.

Would they suffer a second revolution as is now occurring in Hungary?

Unfortunately, upheavals in our lives only happen when in fact we struggle to go from being dishonest human beings and cease avoiding the confronting of our own shortcomings and character defects.

Those who are unable to be honest wind up winning in the short term, burying their lies in the denial of self-deception, but losing everything in the long term.

It is when we shine the light on the truth that the chaos monster rears its’ ugly head. We all know deep down inside, how uncomfortable and painful facing the truth really is.

Despite the sufferings after being honest, it is, notwithstanding any amount of pain that one might experience in the process, better in the long run to be completely honest with one’s fellow human beings.

We were constantly taught this as children in school, from our parents, and by society in general, but we have been tainted into believing that it is better to lie and avoid the pain of the truth than it is to become honest and straightforward with our fellow human beings.

If we are honest we lose our precious possessions. If we are honest our loved one’s turn against us and condemn us. If we are honest our countrymen revolt violently against us and destroy our environment and property. If we are honest, the universe itself seems to put us into situations that make life miserable and completely unmanageable for a time.

If we are honest our company collapses and sends ripples of destruction into the rest of the economy.

Sometimes it takes someone else to rub the truth in our faces to bring us out of our own denial long enough to confront it. That is called Justice.

Had we never been dishonest in the first place, we would not then suffer the consequences of becoming honest after the lies.

There are few among us who can honestly claim to never having been dishonest and therein lays the rub.

In an effort to change things for the better and improve conditions in his own country, the Prime Minister of Hungary confessed not only his own lies but that of his entire government.

Liars do not fool anyone, except perhaps other liars.

It was well known for over a decade that certain parts of Hungarian government were corrupt.

Equally corrupt, and well known, is the dishonesty of American government.

There is no need here to rehash the thousands of documented cases of government corruption on both sides of the Atlantic. The general global media has been doing a fine job of that for the last 100 years.
For many years now, the growing body of evidence surrounding 911 continues to point to American government corruption as the real source of that calamity.

The false propaganda put out by those who would keep free men ensnarled in controversy amongst ourselves in order to keep us divided as human beings continues unabated, even as the truth continues to poke its innocent head above the turmoil of karmic cataclysmic events boiling on the far horizon.

On October 1, 2006, almost fifty years to the day after the first Hungarian Revolution was crushed by the totalitarian regimes of despots engaged in a race to decimate our planet with nuclear weapons, thwarted only by the decades long non violent battle using their own reason and sanity as the only weapons of mass construction, against the irrational insanity of violence itself, fought by brave men and women who could see and speak the truth, we are now the witness to events that are unfolding onto the global tide of humanity, sparked by one man.

One man who dared stand up to tell the truth about himself, his political party, and his country and who does not today regret it. The rails of truth wait for no man who cannot hitch a ride on the train of honesty.

Slightly more than one month from now, perhaps without as much violence, the revolution sparked by the honesty of one man in Hungary will spread to America, and we will have regime change without the false ideal of fighting an invented terrorism, where more honest leaders replace the ones now in totalitarian power.

Honest new leaders who as true Statesmen are able to coddle us through the painful experience of coming out of a war addicted economy. An economy based on lies, greed and war mongering corruption.

These new leaders will be more honest but not absolutely honest. They will be more courageous in telling the truth than in the cowardly act of using their power to destroy human lives for whatever false and unjust cause.

By being more honest, they will cause more suffering, not in terms of human life, but in terms of economic realities which must be faced by all of us.

These realities which when the light of truth is shone upon them, will cause us to realize that we have all been lied to, we have all been deceived, defrauded, and deluded, and that the answer lies not in more deception, more fraud, more delusion and false hopes of peace and true prosperity, but that it lies in true honesty in government.

Like all non violent revolutions, it must start with one person and that person is you! Get honest and straight. Speak the truth! And then confess it to someone you trust who can forgive you and move on to the next level of your own humanity. Then pay it forward three times.

After all that has been written on the walls of the prophets’ tombstones, much stranger things than the truth have happened, even in Hollywood, the world capital of illusion, delusion and deception.

The only real way to avoid the cosmic kaleidoscope of karmic calamity as a civilization is to seek, speak and live the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help us God!

Copyright Alex S. Gabor. All Rights Reserved. Google “Alex S. Gabor” who is a freelance writer who lives in Hollywood, California for more information.